Silken Chocolate Pudding ~ South Beach Diet

Hi Gang!

StormNemoCartoonHope you all had a wonderful weekend and that all of you on the east coast of the US survived the big snow storm.  Many of my family and friends had anywhere from 22″ to 3 feet of snow!  We had a small storm last night with rain and snow and high winds…I was glad we were all snug indoors!

Today I’m going to give you a quick and easy SBD dessert you can whip up in about 5 minutes, assuming you have the necessary ingredients.

It’s a silken chocolate pudding, which I must explain first.  Chocolate pudding in the US is not the same as what it is in the UK.  In the US, when we hear ‘chocolate pudding’, our first thought (or at least mine) is Jell-o brand chocolate pudding.  That smooth, custard-like, melt-in-your-mouth pudding.  I always enjoyed the top after it set as it got a bit chewy and gooey, unless you like to cover it so you don’t get that.  In the UK, saying ‘pudding’ is like saying ‘dessert’ as it could mean anything from a sponge cake to an apple or rhubarb  crumble…something sweet to have at the end of the meal.

Think back to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  There’s a scene where they all get on the cart with Luna Lovegood (being pulled by a horse-like animal that only Harry and Luna can see)  and one of her lines is: ‘I hope there’s pudding’  It didn’t matter what type it was, as long as it was available.

This chocolate pudding is more on the lines of the US version.  It’s not exactly Jell-o brand, but I think it gets the job done.

This is made with silken tofu, which has a softer consistency than regular tofu and is perfect for this creamy Phase 1 pudding.  Tofu (in the US) comes in soft, medium, firm and extra-firm consistencies.  I’ve only ever seen silken and firm here in the UK.   Be sure to buy the soft type to use here.


16oz/454g soft silken tofu, drained

2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

1/4 C granular sugar substitute

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp salt (i left this out – didn’t see the need for it)

4 Tbsp no-sugar-added light whipped topping (garnish, optional)

2 Tbsp dry-roasted raw peanuts, chopped (garnish, optional)

In a food processor or blender, combine the tofu, cocoa powder, sugar substitute, vanilla and salt.  Purée until smooth.

Spoon the pudding into 4 dessert dishes, dollop each with 1 Tbsp of whipped topping and sprinkle evenly with peanuts, if using.

Serve right away or chill to serve later (add toppings right before serving).


Sorry mine looks so dull, but I don’t have any sugar-free whipped topping, nor do I know if I can even get it.  We don’t have Cool-Whip here. 😦


♥♥  Terri  ♥♥



One thought on “Silken Chocolate Pudding ~ South Beach Diet

  1. Hi Terri, Glad I saw this post! I have been trying to come up with milkshakes and puddings that I can prepare for my husband and myself. He is lactose intolerant and cannot tolerate yogurt.
    I am excited to try this idea. I have used nuts and some icky soy powder we bought, but they didn’t thicken properly. I think you have saved my tastebuds!!

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